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Green smoke is one of the many brands of e cigarettes in the market today and it is termed to be the best. Green smoke allows you to smoke anywhere anytime without having to bother the person around you as there is no second hand smoke produced. While smoking green smoke, you feel like you are smoking the tobacco one but it is far more different from it in many ways. They do have the same taste but green smoke is not harmful as it does not contain the harmful toxic chemicals that are in the tobacco one. The Green Smoke electronic cigarette starter kits are some of the higher priced starter kits on the market today but with the satisfaction you will get, it is worthy it as there are cheap brands which do not deliver the feeling that a smoker is looking for. Green Smoke sells three different styles of electronic cigarette starter kits which basically contains the same things with few different variations in batteries and cartridges.

If a smoker has been trying to stop smoking without success, green smoke will help you. The smoker can purchase the green smoke e cigarette with different levels of nicotine which means that he can be reducing the level of nicotine and before he realizes it, he is free from smoking. There are also patches that have no nicotine and a smoker can also be using the nicotine free ones.
Green smoke is friendlier to the environment as it does not emit smoke which pollutes the environment. There is no ash or cigarette butt that also pollutes the environment. Green smoke is battery charged which means you do not need to use lighters or matches to light it which makes it safer as one can drop a burning cigarette or even match and cause fire.

Never before has it been easy for smokers to smoke freely in public. Most of the times, they have to look for places where they can hide and get to smoke but this is not the case with green smokee cigarettes as you can smoke it at any place without fearing that you are breaking the laws.

The green smoke e cigarette comes in two pieces i.e. battery and cartridge. The battery is the long white piece which contains replacement filters and cartridge is the brown one and it is the one that holds nicotine. There is an atomizer in every filter which vaporizes the nicotine and allows for inhalation without any smoke but water vapor instead.

The green smoke refill cartridges are a bit expensive but the price is justified by what the refill offers. To start off each electronic cigarette refill cartridge that Green Smoke makes has a brand new atomizer built into it which means that when you refill your cartridge, you will get a new atomizer for free and you will never have to worry about replacing a burnt out atomizer. This alone is the biggest reason why Green Smoke electronic cigarettes are so popular among the smokers.

Is the Green Smoke Promotional eCig Product bad for your health?

The Green Smoke Promotional e cigarette does not contain the 4000+ chemicals found in normal cigarette smoke, a toxic cocktail with at least 200 poisons and 40 carcinogens that are said to cause cancer in humans. No smoke also means no second hand smoke. It is therefore not surprising that ecigs are being marketed almost universally as a ‘healthier' alternative to the tobacco cigarette - better for you and those around you.

Take a look at the green smoke products. Or look at our resource page for further Green Smoke Promotional codes, if thats what you are after.

Green Smoke Promotional ecig cartridges do, however, contain nicotine so they are addictive and not recommended for anybody who does not currently smoke. Another main ingredient is propylene glycol, which although generally considered safe and used in many other products, has not been subjected to any long term testing whilst being used in an electronic cigarette.

The lack of any large scale clinical testing or general classification is proving to be a bit of a problem.  Public perception towards the electronic cigarette is overwhelmingly positive once the concept is explained but governmental reactions are varying. In Austria and Finland electronic cigarettes have been classified as medical devices, whereas in Denmark they have been banned because the type of nicotine used has not been certified by the government.

 green smoke coupon

If you are considering switching to a Green Smoke Promotional code electronic cigarette and are concerned about your health then unfortunately there aren't many hard facts you can look to right now. Our best advice is to compare your current method of nicotine intake with that offered by the Green Smoke electronic cigarette and decide which you believe is better or safer for you.

There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and some of the more harmful of these are as a result of the combustion and burning process. This means that there are a lot of by-products just to get the nicotine relief

Below are just 6 of these by-products: -

•Formaldehyde – a highly poisonous, colourless embalming fluid known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.
•Ammonia  -   better known for being a toilet cleaner.
•Acetone – most commonly known as nail polish remover.
•Hydrogen Cyanide – used as a genocidal agent during world War II (under the name Zyclon B)
•Carbon Monoxide- the principal component of automobile exhaust
•Tar – a particulate matter drawn into the lungs when you inhale a lighted cigarette. About 70% of which is deposited in the smokers lungs.

Admittedly these are some of the more infamous offenders, and their concentrations will be miniscule - but they are there and there are few that would argue against the detrimental health effects of long term smoking.
There are around 10 million adult smokers in the UK, and in a fact sheet produced by ASH (action on smoking and health) it states that around half of all regular cigarette smokers will eventually be killed by their addiction. See the fact sheet here (opens in new window).

ASH have also produced a fact sheet on ‘Smoking and disease' which provides information on the effects of second hand smoke and the benefits of stopping smoke.

The Green Smoke Promo electronic cigarette produces only vapour so there is no smoke or second hand smoke.
The ingredients and output of a Green Smoke electronic cigarette are relatively basic therefore when compared to the tobacco cigarette. Cartridges will typically contain just the following: -

•Propylene glycol
•Scents and flavourings
•Membrane to suspend the ingredients

green smoke reviews

The two ingredients of note are nicotine (in a purified liquid form), and propylene glycol. You are likely aware of the addictive properties of nicotine, although interestingly there is some debate right now as to the effects upon your health when this substance is isolated from the other ingredients in a normal cigarette.
Propylene glycol is currently used in many food and cosmetic products as well as smoke machines. It is also used in normal cigarettes to maintain a dampness in the tobacco, but the long term effects of inhaling it within a Green Smoke promotional code electronic cigarette are unknown.

What are Green Smoke Coupon Codes idea of eCig?

Electronic cigarettes runs on batteries and have to be charged using an electric plug-in, hence, the other name "electric cigarette". Other common names are:cigs,smokeless cigs,healthy cigs,electronic cigarettes.

With E-cigs there is NO lighters, NO matches, NO fireflame. A cool glowing light at then end simulates, a real cigarette. Place it anywhere, there is no fire to catch onto anything.Consumers don't have to purchase lighters or matches. Saving you more Money. The"smoke" from an e-cigarette is not really smoke, but vapor from the nicotine cartridge. It lasts just long enough to give the appearance of being smoke, and quickly disappears intothin air. No second-hand smoke makes the use of electronic "smoking" safe aroundkids,friends and family.
Green Smoke Coupon Codes personal review of the product:

The Green Smoke Coupons electronic cigarette is one of the more popular electronic cigarettes on the market today. Many coupon users have found that they prefer to use their own e-liquid or e-juice to refill the Green Smoke e-cig cartridges after they run out of e-liquid from the initial purchase. At the time of this writing, Green Smoke Coupons has removed refillable cartridges from the market in order to develop an easier-to-refill cartridge, but that does not mean you can't use your own e-liquid to refill your existing cartridges.
The Green Smoke Coupons Cartridges:

Green Smoke Coupon cartridges are the component of the e-cig that looks like the filter component of a traditional cigarette. The cartridge contains the e-liquid or e juice mixture that has the nicotine, flavoring, water, propylene glycol, and atomizer component of the e-cig. The atomizer is the part of the electronic cigarette which heats the electronic juice in order to create the e-cig vapor. GreenSmoke cartridges are available in five strengths of nicotine. They are:

16mg = Equivalent to non-filtered traditional smokes
8mg = Equivalent to "full flavored" traditional smokes
6mg = Equivalent to "Light" cigarettes
4mg = Equivalent to "Ultra Light" cigarettes
0mg = No nicotine, but has the same "Flavor" as the traditional smoke

Each of the cartridges is equivalent to 1 to 1.5 packs of traditional tobacco smokes.
Refilling Your Green Smoke Coupon Cartridges

Now, there is not a "recommended" or "authorized" method published by Green Smoke to refill the electronic cigarette cartridges, however, many e-cig users prefer to purchase or make their own e liquid to refill the cartridges after they run out of e juice from the initial purchase. You will eventually need to purchase more cartridges as the atomizer clogs or fails since they are not designed for re-use, but the advantages of refilling your own cartridges are that you will save even more money over the long term. The following is a recommended method to consider if you are going to refill your own GreenSmoke cartridges.

For more information on Green Smoke Promo Codes visit our main site. Alternatively our sister site showing all Green Smoke Coupon Codes available on the market.
Green Smoke Coupon Electronic Cigarettes in the News

As more and more people make the switch to Electric Vapor Smokeless Cigarettes and
Cigars, traditional cigarettes are fast becoming a thing of the past.

Not a day goes by without stories of people who are in love with their Ecig and who swear by them, because they are saving lungs, and helping to kick or at least limit the nasty habit of tobacco smoking. With all the other poisonous chemicals contained in "analogs" (the new name for traditional cigarettes) it's no wonder electronic cigarettes are fiercely embraced. California, home to Hollywood and mucho celebrities, stars and big notable names, were lucky to have Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger who supports the Electronic Cigarette
green smoke discount

Is Green Smoke the best eCig on the Market?

The Green Smoke E-Cigarette is becoming on of the best friends of smokers. These clever gadgets are easy to use and can allow you to smoke in places where traditional cigarettes are no longer allowed. Here are some tips on buying an E Cigarette and deciding if GreenSmoke is the choice for you.

A lot of people find that they enjoy brands that produce water vapors. This gives you the feeling of actually smoking a proper cigarette and it has the nicotine just as a normal cigarette would. There is no fire or actual smoke so these still qualify as a smokeless cigarette even though you "blow water fumes" (like smoke) after you inhale.

The easier the product is to use and the more it looks and feels like a real cigarette, the more likely you are to smoke it on a regular basis. GreenSmoke excel in this category as it only has 2 parts, a bettery and a cartridge. If you decide to buy the Green Smoke eCig, don;t forget to use our promotional code above. Green Smoke have several flavors of cartridges to choose from and usually come in lights and full flavor. This gives you several options to choose which one is right for you.

These can be used to help you quit smoking or just to smoke in areas where no smoking is allowed. These may also be much safer than regular cigarettes. There has been no link to cancer since the smoke has been eliminated and there is no fire so it is impossible to burn yourself or start a fire which makes them perfect for elderly who may be unsafe smokers. These are even safe to use in hospitals and around oxygen.

The Green Smoke products are available online via their online shop, but please don't forget to use the Green Smoke Promo Code above. You can often buy these in your local tobacco outlet or online. They are easy to charge, easy to use, and give you the nicotine you crave when you can't smoke a regular cigarette. Check out this great new product today and see if it is right for you.

The Green Smoke Electronic Cigarette works in the following way: the user inhales on the electronic cigarette, this causes an air flow sensor to signal to the inbuilt microprocessor in the battery to activate the atomizer. The atomizer converts the liquid nicotine in the cartridge into a vapour using heat ( atomization).The vapour is inhaled by the user. Simultaneously, a water based vapour is released from the glycol by the atomizer to resemble ‘smoke'. This ‘smoke' has no risk to its user or persons around them.
So is the Green Smoke product Bad for You?

The nicotine solutions contain the addictive yet poisonous nicotine component, as do traditional cigarettes.
Only the cartridge labelled HIGH appeared to contain low levels of Ethanol solvent. Ethanol was not detected in the MED and LOW nicotine solutions.
The nicotine solutions do appear to contain large amounts of propylene glycol aerosol forming solvent. Different suppliers of this chemical appear to offer differing hazard ratings on their respective MSDS's. Some indicate no ill effects from inhalation which is fine, while others indicate CNS and spleen health issues may exist from prolonged inhalation of the chemical.
Researching the chemical profile for propylene glycol1 indicates that although there would appear to be ‘no current recognized health hazards', the chemical is ‘suspected to be a respiratory toxicant'.
If Propylene Glycol subsequently becomes ‘recognized as a respiratory toxicant' following the launch of the product in Europe, then ‘Pillbox 38' should be looking for an even safer alternative such as Glycerol.
Only the MED nicotine solution contained traces of Triacetin, a noted cigarette additive with no identifiable risks.

On balance, the nicotine solution cartridges appears to offer a much safer alternative to the traditional cigarette. Apart from the required toxic Nicotine, the samples tested appear to be fairly clean and free from other potentially toxic chemicals.
Using this type of nicotine solution, the artificial smoke generated by an Electronic Cigarette would not appear to contain the toxic cocktail of toxic carcinogenic compounds found in traditional tobacco smoke. Some 600+ chemicals have been identified in traditional smoke tobacco, of which many are carcinogenic.

I wanted to take just a moment of your time to share with you a revolutionary new product called the Green Smoke Cigarette.  The Green Smoke Cigarette is an electronic cigarette that looks and functions much like a tobacco cigarette with a few special exceptions: it contains no ash, tar, or carbon monoxide that smokers are heavily exposed to with tobacco cigarettes.

Green Smoke Cigarette Sale

Instead of a traditional tobacco cigarette, with the Green Smoke Cigarette, the nicotine is vaporized into steam by an atomizer which allows the user to inhale a vapor that looks and feels just like smoke. It's easy to use and maintain so your smoking experience is greener and cleaner than tobacco. And, if that's not good enough, there's no odor so your hair, clothes and hands won't smell, and you won't disrupt the people around you with the Green Smoke Cigarette.

You also save 60% more money when compared with tobacco cigarettes! With the Green Smoke Cigarette, you can get the most realistic smoking experience in a cheaper, easier and cleaner way than withtobacco cigarettes.

How Does the Green Smoke Cigarette Make this Possible?

The Green Smoke Cigarette's patented 2 part technology includes a lithium-ion battery, a microchip controller and an LED light at the tip. This part of the e-cigarette looks much like the paper and tobacco part of the cigarette. The light at the tip mimics the "lit end" of the cigarette and will "light up" when thee-cigarette is puffed on.

The "filter" part of the Green Smoke Cigarette electronic is easily screwed onto the battery and contains the liquid nicotine solution with a built-in atomizer that vaporizes the liquid nicotine into a water vapor that looks and feels just like real smoke when inhaled and exhaled. We've even designed the filter part of the e-cig to look just like the filter on a tobacco cigarette.

The benefits of this new Green Smoke Cigarette technology enable smokers to still receive the nicotine in a manner that the smoker is accustomed to, but with descending levels of nicotine, from 16mg all the way down to 0mg. We even offer a variety of flavors including Tobacco, Tobacco Marl, Menthol, Chocolate, Vanilla, Coffee, Apple and Strawberry.

The genius of this Green Smoke Cigarette product lies in the fact that smokers can address the hand and oral part of the addiction while lowering their nicotine level, if they so choose.

If you are a smoker or have someone you care about that smokes, we invite you to visit our site to watch an amazing video demonstration of the Green Smoke Cigarette being introduced to people at a club in Miami Beach. The reactions are priceless and really show just how amazing this product really is.

Green Smoke Cigarette

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